Chapter2 - The Basics - Python List

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Book - Python Algorithms by Magnus Lie Hetland

Chapter 2 - The Basics

Asymptotic Notation (์ ๊ทผ ํ‘œ๊ธฐ๋ฒ•)

Itโ€™s about running times.

append VS. insert

import time
count = 10**5
start = time.time()
nums = []
for i in range(count):
elapse = time.time()
print("append: ",elapse-start)

start = time.time()
nums = []
for i in range(count):
elapse = time.time()
print("insert: ",elapse-start)

##### output #####
# append:  0.024924755096435547
# insert:  4.281127691268921

Adding items to the end of a list scaled better with the list size than inserting them at the front.

Python List

Array VS. List


  • collections of items
  • having an order


  • Array has an index, not List.
    • Array occupies consecutive memory spaces.
    • This property makes array find element much faster than List.
  • Think of Linked List
    • Each items are spreaded in memory.
    • Each items can be accessed by its address of memory, not index.

Then, why python โ€œListโ€ has an index?

Actually, itโ€™s a dynamic array, not the list mentioned above. Pythonโ€™s list is implemented like array. As we know, we use pythonโ€™s list as a stack.

In short, pythonโ€™s list is an โ€œarrayโ€ with high-leveled functioned applied.

Array VS. List:

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