Chapter2 - The Basics - Python complexity
Book - Python Algorithms by Magnus Lie Hetland
Loops and Recursion
Loops and recursion are important for calculating complexity.
List Comprehension Big-O
List Comprehension = \(O(n)\), Linear Complexity
Algorithim Engineering
Algorithm engineering: efficiently implementing algorithms reducing the hidden constants in that asymptotic complexity.
Python Profiler and timeit
To find bottlenecks, use a profiler.
import cProfile'main()')
import timeit
def test():
return "-".join(str(n) for n in range(1000))
t1 = timeit.timeit('test()', setup='from __main__ import test', number = 10000)
from cli
python -m timeit -s"import mymodule as m" "m.myfunction()"
Hetland, Magnus Lie. Python Algorithms (p. 20). Apress. Kindle Edition.
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